Non-Profit Co-Founder Grace Ko on her experiences & insights on the Toronto Computer Project

Harini Saravanakumar
Trailblazers x Impact
10 min readOct 16, 2022


Note: Although this a solo-run publication by Prerana Manoj, we have a special feature story from innovator and exceptional writer, Harini Sarvanakumar!

Covid-19 without a doubt affected people globally in harsh, horrid ways. Some indulged in new hobbies, adopted a pet, made new friends, and most definitely dwelled in the newfound free time they now had.

Due to the pandemic that this virus induced, many also saw this as a time to step up and help those in need. An example of this can be seen in the case of Grace Ko & , Amrita Veeraragavan, the co-founders of the Toronto Computer Project!

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash


During the interview with Grace, she recalls that the first plans for the Toronto Computer Project had started through a program which was sponsoring good causes, which had taken place at her school. During this time, alumni from her school worked towards mentoring students to gain funding for the final pitch competition. It was mentioned to have a “similar kind of style like Dragons Den”.

After many brainstorming sessions and profound planning, Grace and Amrita (her fellow co-founder) decided to create a non-profit organization for the cause they were most passionate about. Grace describes the reason for this decision as being, “it seemed feasible”, both commitment-wise and cost-wise. Additionally, aspects like “organizing fundraisers and charity-like events seemed highly possible” when considering the action plan ahead.

Another element that posed a boost for them was taking inspiration from other non-profit organizations and enterprises. A social enterprise in particular that activated the idea of creating the Toronto Computer Project was FreeGeek, a company which takes in used technology and refurbishes it. By doing so they recycle these materials, preventing them from ending up in a landfill and also producing technology for others, especially those in need!

However, there was a lot to do when thinking about starting a non-profit. The initial steps of this organization first started during the commencement of Covid-19, which in turn affected the placement of the organization’s name. At first, it was referred to as “The Covid Computer Project” as Grace mentions. But, with the hopes of one day living in a Covid-free world, Grace and Amrita finally decided to go with “The Toronto Computer Project’’, switching the name out of optimism!

With a solid foundation, dedicated team and well-planned logistics, the Toronto Computer Project was off to a promising start!


Due to all the struggles Grace and Amrita saw around them as a result of Covid-19, they started planning to resolve hurdles and barriers produced by it. The issue they decided to tackle? The gap in accessibility to technology which was caused by the massive shift to online learning, shopping etc. Grace talks about “trying to connect people who have used devices, and those who do not have access to them, especially during Covid times’’, as the main motive behind the foundation of the Toronto Computer Project.

Additionally, “we knew that after schools were shifted to online, having unequal access to them, AKA the Digital Divide, would be a pressing, topical issue to tackle’’ she says. The main goal of this organization as can be seen throughout the said mission statements is to make technology more accessible for everyone.

After receiving donations beyond what was expected, including a variety of products such as headphones, laptops and computers, Grace and Amrita were able to help many individuals along the way. “I never expected us to get this big’’, says Grace as she explains how she and Amrita organized commutes to pick up donations of said devices and products to deliver.

Although this initiative is surely an incredible, thoughtful feat, it came hitched with many challenges to be overcome!


When going through a journey of building anything in life, we face a ton of challenges that make it seem like it’s impossible to reach success. However, even though these challenges, we have to push forward and find a way to overcome them. So let’s hear about the hurdles that tried to trip over Amrita and Grace and the way they pushed forward!

“One of the biggest challenges we had was time management’’. As the plans for this organization started through a program in her school, there was a clear, much-expected planning process. Other teams at Grace’s school were able to start their pitches and projects much sooner, while their team was unable to proceed. This was due to the logistical and sanitary issues that were unique to this idea, which stalled the initial progress of the Toronto Computer Project. This largely affected their schedule and preparation plans, which meant prioritizing and effectively managing every minute was crucial to securing funding.

Along with that, forms of technology distributed needed to be entirely wiped in and out before passing them to someone else. This process required many calls, emails and discussions with and from various people to gain the ability to do so, legally. These people included the guidance department and IT personnel at the school and even technology manufacturers. Although it was quite the struggle for two founders who had never had experience in this field before, it was quite the learning experience and one they would never forget.

Additionally, with the ongoing pandemic, many additional sanitary measures were either required to be implemented or, were followed to a higher calibre. An example of such is the sanitization and cleaning protocol that computers and other forms of technology need. Therefore, just to get this project off the ground, even the school nurse had taken apart to assist them. But the end result made all the effort worth it!

Furthermore, Grace talks about how commuting was initially quite tricky to figure out as it was the main logistical part of the process. She mentions that going around collecting these products was very time taking, which had pushed her and Amrita to be able to only operate during the summer. To combat this, they started establishing drop-in boxes for people to stop by and leave their products, eliminating the hassle of driving around while ensuring the products were secured and safe from external damage.

After these difficulties, Grace adds that the whole process was amazing as well as worthwhile. She adds, “I only wish we started sooner’’, due to the fact that most of these issues were uncontrollable such as the need to abide by protocol and fundamental laws.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash


💡When things get hard, such as when Grace and Amrita were battling with legal rules which delayed the commencement of the Toronto Computer Project, continue to persevere!

💡Community support which was shown throughout this organization is something very uplifting and precious, so be sure to show gratitude towards those who help you along the way and be confident with outreach skills.

💡As Grace mentions, “a non-profit should be done having a purpose, not just for the sake of having a non-profit’’, which is essential advice as a non-profit can generate a powerful impact when founded with genuine intentions such as the Toronto Computer Project’s; to help people in need!

💡In regards to managing such an organization, Grace highlights how time management is key and clear, consistent communication. Without either, sustaining such an idea would be difficult in the long term.

💡 “We never knew that we’d get this big, we eventually created a plan to adapt” through any given circumstance. This shows that learning how to change and adapt to any given situation is truly a life skill, and has proven to be effective for Grace and Amrita through this journey.

💡‘’ When thinking of creating a non-profit organization, make sure you know the impact you and willing to make as well as the impact it will have on people if things do not go as planned’’ Grace says, emphasizing the fact that various aspects need to be thought about before starting such an organization.


Through this entire process of starting an organization with such an amazing cause and heavy effort, there have been many takeaways Grace mentions she gained from the experience. However, when asked for one piece of advice she would offer an aspiring innovator, Grace encourages developing a perseverance mindset, eliminating all procrastination habits, and making concise doable plans throughout! Great advice for those interested in following a similar path/ venture.


As of now, the Toronto Computer Project has conducted a couple of fundraisers in order to collect products to donate. In the future, Grace says that she would definitely want to run some at her school as well. She also wants to discover the path they’d take to reach more people as this organization’s work is fairly local currently. “As we are just 2 people, it is pretty hard to reach more communities’’, which she and her co-founder plan on revamping.

In the end, “no matter what happens, we’ll be in a good space for the coming year!’’ What an amazing outlook, and even better drive! The Toronto Computer Project is definitely going far!

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash


What is your dream travel destination?

It would definitely be Korea as I have some relatives there that I’ve never seen in my life. My grandparents immigrated here so I would love to see the rest of my family.

If you could, what flavour of ice cream would you be and why?

Hmm… that's a good question! I would say I would probably want to be cookie dough because it’s one of my favourites. It has a big variation in texture which I think fits me as I try to be different!

What is your favourite TV show/movie?

This might be a little silly but I really love this documentary about fungi! I think it was called ‘Fantastic Fungi’, and it was great!

Is there a particular music genre/artist that appealed to you?

Not really, I can enjoy almost anything! I grew up with a classical background and now, I’m really trying to listen to Korean folk music. My ears are so acclimatized to classical music and music in the romantic era which makes it hard for me to listen to other genres for long, it’s an ongoing project but I am starting to enjoy it more as I keep going and immersing myself in it!’

What are your biggest hobbies and what do they mean to you?

My biggest hobbies right now are music art, and languages right now. I play piano and dabble a bit in piano, drums, guitars and violin for school and personal enjoyment and lessons. My parents made sure that we all fostered a love for music, it’s something we all carry around! I took up painting literally this weekend and had a great time! I found that I took a lot of stress away from me which was great! I also love learning new languages which is more of an ongoing project to learn Korean than a hobby.

What are 3 adjectives you’d use to describe yourself?

Scrambled, confused but also hopeful!


Being the humble and grounded person she is, Grace Ko had a special request to include this special note of gratitude in this article.

“I can’t really take any credit for much of this. It was almost completely Amrita in this project. She was the one who commuted several hours to take the tech, ran our social media page, and, of course, came up with the concept! I just did the website and sent emails to the group.

The Toronto Computer Project has to thank the support network that helped get this project started. This amazing group includes many members of the UTS (University of Toronto Schools) staff who’ve helped us through many hurdles and challenges we’ve faced.”

Grace & Amrita embody the level of humility & kindness that show what it means to be a leader and innovator in today’s generation. They are truly an inspirational and ambitious pair of teenagers!

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Final word:

If you were inspired by Grace Ko & Amrita Veeraragavan, their powerful journey, and thoughtful initiative, look towards starting your own non-profit! It doesn’t matter if things seem like they won’t work out at first because it’s all about the journey and experience you gain on the way. Plus in the end, you’ll find that you’ve become a better version of yourself!

Make sure to follow the Toronto Computer Project on Instagram (do dm them for any donations you would like to make), and be sure to check out their website!



Harini Saravanakumar
Trailblazers x Impact

A 16 y/o futurist on a journey to inspire, accelerate and educate ♡ For more info, take a look at my about page, happy reading! →